
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2020-06-23 浏览次数:






陈卫民,毕业于西北农林科技大学。1996-2000年,土壤与农业化学专业,本科; 2003-2006年,植物营养专业,硕士;2006-2009年,微生物学专业,博士;2007.11-2009.5英国约克大学生物系联合培养;2009-2011北京大学博士后,2011年至今在生命科学学院任教。

研究方向为微生物资源与利用,涉及土壤与根际微生物生态、根瘤菌多样性与分类、土壤微生物与作物营养等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金、科技部“863计划”子课题等6项,并参加多项国家及省部级科研项目,2016年获得陕西省科学技术一等奖(第2完成人)。以第一或通讯作者在Microbiome、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Molecular Ecology、Journal of Applied Ecology、Geoderma、Plant and Soil、Applied and Environmental Microbiology、Genome Biology and Evolution、Microbial Ecology、Global Ecology and Biogeography等刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇,并担任Plant and Soil、Environmental Pollution、IJSEM、Current Microbiology、Scientific Reports、农业与环境学报、应用与环境生物学报、草地学报等国内外学术期刊审稿人。






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大豆驯化驱动的根瘤菌共生进化及其根际微生物的组装与功能演变机制(31870476),2019-2022,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:根瘤菌-刺槐共生固氮体系驱动的土壤剖面微生物群落结构时空演化和形成机制(31570493),2016-2019,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:共生固氮体系协同微生物群落在黄土高原石油污染土壤中的修复作用及机理研究(31270529),2013-2016,主持。

4. 国家高新技术发展计划(863计划)子课题:农田典型多环芳烃污染的植物与微生物协同修复技术研究,2012-2015,主持。

5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:水生植物内生菌群落结构及其有机物降解功能研究,2011,主持。

6. 西北农林科技大学科研启动项目:野生豆科植物内生菌群落结构与宿主生态适应性研究,2012-2014,主持。


1. Jiao S, Chen WM* and Wei GH*. (2021) Linking phylogenetic niche conservatism to soil archaeal biogeography, community assembly and species coexistence. Global Ecology and Biogeography. doi. 10.1111/geb.13313.

2. Zai XY, Luo W, Bai WQ, Li YH, Xiao X, Gao XE, Wang ET, Wei GH, Chen WM*. (2021) Effect of root diameter on the selection and network interactions of root-associated bacterial microbiomes in  Robinia pseudoacacia  L. Microbial Ecology. doi. 10.1007/s00248 -020-01678-4.

3. Jiao S, Chen WM*, Wang JL, Du NN, Li QP, Wei GH*. (2018) Soil microbiomes with distinct assemblies through vertical soil profiles drive the cycling of multiple nutrients in reforested ecosystems. Microbiome. 6: 1-13.

4. Xiao X, Li GQ, Zai XY, Bai WQ, Wang ET, Wei GH, Chen WM*. (2019) Compositional response of the  Phaseolus vulgaris  rhizomicrobiome to a changing soil environment is related by long-distance plant signaling. Plant and Soil. 422: 257-269.

5. Jiao S†, Li QP†, Zai XY, Gao XE, Wei GH, Chen WM*. (2019) Complexity of bacterial communities within the rhizospheres of legumes drives phenanthrene degradation, Geoderma. 353 (2019) 1-10.

6. Chen WM, Jiao S*, Li QP, Du NN. (2020) Dispersal limitation relative to environmental filtering governs the vertical small-scale assembly of soil microbiomes during restoration, Journal of Applied Ecology. 57(2): 402-412.

7. Tong WJ, Li XC, Wang ET, Cao Y, Chen WM*, Tao SH* & Wei GH*. (2020) Genomic insight into the origins and evolution of symbiosis genes in  Phaseolus vulgaris  microsymbionts. BMC Genomics. 21, 186.

8. Jiao S, Chen WM* and Wei GH*. (2019) Resilience and assemblage of soil microbiome in response to chemical contamination combined with plant growth. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 85 (6): e02523-18.

9. Liu ZS, Chen WM*, Jiao S, Wang XY, Fan MC, Wang ET, Wei GH*. (2019) New insight into the evolution of symbiotic genes in black locust-associated rhizobia. Genome Biology and Evolution. 353:1-10.

10. Jiao S, Wang JM, Wei GH, Chen WM*, Lu YH*. (2019) Dominant role of abundant rather than rare bacterial taxa in maintaining agro-soil microbiomes under environmental disturbances. Chemosphere. 235 (2019) 248-259.

11. Jiao S, Du NN, Zai XY, Gao XE, Chen WM* and Wei GH* (2019) Temporal dynamics of soil bacterial communities and multifunctionality are more sensitive to introduced plants than to microbial additions in a multicontaminated soil. Land Degradation & Development. 30(7), 852-865.

12. Huo YY, Tong WJ, Wang JJ, Wang F, Bai WQ, Wang ET, Shi P, Chen WM* and Wei GH*. (2019)  Rhizobium chutanense  sp. nov., isolated from root nodules of  Phaseolus vulgaris  in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 69(7): 2049-2056.

13. Jiao S, Chen WM*, Wang JM, Zhang L, Yang F, Lin YB, Wei GH*. (2018) Plant growth and oil contamination alter the diversity and composition of bacterial communities in agricultural soils across China. Land Degradation & Development. 29:1660-1671.

14. Tong WJ, Li XC, Huo YY, Cao Y, Zhang L, Wang ET, Chen WM*, Tao SH*, Wei GH*. (2018) Genomic insight into the taxonomy of  Rhizobium  genospecies nodulated with  Phaseolus vulgaris  and other related strains. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 41: 300-310.

15. Jiao S, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017) Biogeography and ecological diversity patterns of rare and abundant bacteria in oil-contaminated soils. Molecular Ecology. 26:5305-5317.

16. Jiao S, Luo YT, Lu MM, Xiao XM, Lin YB, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017) Distinct succession patterns of abundant and rare bacteria in temporal microcosms with pollutants, Environmental Pollution. 225: 497-505.

17. Xiao X, Fan MC, Wang ET, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017) Interactions of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and soil factors in two leguminous plants. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 101: 8485-8597.

18. Jiao S, Liu ZS, Lin YB, Yang J, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2016) Bacterial communities in oil contaminated soils: biogeography and co-occurrence patterns. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 98: 64-73.

19. Jiao S, Zhang ZQ, Yang F, Lin YB, Chen WM*, Wei GH*. (2017) Temporal dynamics of microbial communities in microcosms in response to pollutants. Molecular Ecology. 26: 923–936.

20. Xiao X, Chen WM, Zong L, Yang J, Jiao S, Lin YB, Wang ET, Wei GH*. (2017) Two cultivated legume plants reveal the enrichment process of microbiome in the rhizocompartments. Molecular Ecology. 26:1641-1651.

21. Jiao S†, Chen WM†, Wang ET, Wang JM, Liu ZS, Li YN, Wei GH*. (2016) Microbial succession in response to pollutants in batch-enrichment culture. Scientific Reports. 6: 21791.