(1) 农业与环境微生物资源挖掘和利用:包括西北地区盐碱、干旱、沙漠等极端环境中微生物资源和基因资源的分布规律;不同作物根际固氮菌、解磷菌、生防菌的挖掘与应用基础理论与技术研究;功能性农业微生物种质资源的改良和创造;农业微生物新产品创制。
(2) 微生物群落多样性与生态功能调控技术:微生物群落的环境响应规律与适应机制;农业微生物群落的结构与功能解析;土壤与作物核心微生物群落的构建与调控。
(3) 农业微生物-宿主-环境互作机制:包括微生物与环境互作机制;根际微生物促进作物逆境适应机制;微生物群落调控与土壤肥力提升机制。
(4) 污染生态环境的微生物修复机理与技术:微生物与农业废弃物资源化利用;新型污染物的微生物降解及其机制;农田有机和无机污染物的植物与微生物协同修复技术。
研究中心近年来承担国家及省部级项目40余项,包括国家863计划项目、青年科学家项目、国家杰出青年基金、国家优秀青年基金、国家基金委重点项目、国家973课题、重点研发计划课题等,在PNAS、Nature Communications、The ISME Journal、Microbiome、Environmental Science & Technology、Global Change Biology、Plant Cell and Environment等国际知名刊物上发表SCI论文200余篇,出版教材5部,获批国家专利20余件。以第一主持单位获陕西省科学技术一等奖1项,陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果特等奖1项,国家教学成果二等奖1项,陕西省教学成果特等奖1项,同时,获批旱区土壤微生物组与土壤健康学科创新引智基地1个。研究中心已培养研究生800余名,现有在读研究生120余人,其中博士生48人,硕士生72人,是农业微生物学领域重要的科研与人才培养基地。
韦革宏,生命科学学院教授,特聘教授、国家杰出青年科学基金、国家级人才、国家“863”计划项目首席专家。兼任国际根瘤菌与土壤杆菌多样性及分类分委员会委员、中国微生物学会农业微生物专业委员会副主任、中国微生物学会环境微生物专业委员会委员、国家自然科学基金委地学部评审专家。研究方向为土壤微生物组与土壤健康、微生物组与植物互作等,主要围绕着“土壤微生物多样性及其环境适应机制”的重大科学问题,致力于深入解析旱区根际土壤微生物与生态环境及作物的互作机制,创新微生物利用的关键技术,旨在突破限制旱区农业绿色发展的科技瓶颈,促进土壤健康和质量提升。先后承担了国家杰出青年基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金重点支持项目、国家863项目、国家重点研发计划课题、全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金、农业科研杰出人才及其创新团队等课题30多项。在The ISME Journal、Microbiome、Global Change Biology、Environmental Science & Technology、Plant Cell and Environment等刊物发表SCI论文100余篇,获陕西省科学技术一等奖1项,国家教学成果二等奖1项,出版专著1本,教材2部。
5. 代表性学术论文
[1] Zhu LF, Xu L, Wang CG, Li C, Li M, Liu Q, Wang X, Yang W, Pan D, Hu L, Yang Y, Lu Z, Wang Y, Zhou D, Jiang Z & Shen XH. (2021) T6SS translocates a micropeptide to suppress STING-mediated innate immunity by. PNAS 118.
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[4] Wang DD, Zhu LF, Zhen XK, Yang DY, Li CF, Chen YT, Wang HN, Qu YC, Liu XZ, Yin YL, Gu, HW, Xu L, Wan CX, Wang Y, Ouyang SY and Shen XH. (2022) A secreted effector with a dual role as a toxin and as a transcriptional factor. Nature Communications 13.
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[9] Li CF, Zhu LF, Wang DD, et al. (2022) T6SS secretes an LPS-binding effector to recruit OMVs for exploitative competition and horizontal gene transfer. ISME Journal 16: 500-510.
[10] Yue H, Yue WJ, Jiao S, Kim H, Lee YH, Wei GH, Song WN & Shu DT (2023) Plant domestication shapes rhizosphere microbiome assembly and metabolic functions. Microbiome 11.
[11] Liu Y, Wang H, Qian X, Gu J, Chen WM, Shen XH, Tao SH, Jiao S & Wei GH (2023) Metagenomics insights into responses of rhizobacteria and their alleviation role in Licorice allelopathy . Microbiome 11.
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[13] Jiao S, Chen WM, Wang JL, Du NN, Li QP & Wei GH (2018) Soil microbiomes with distinct assemblies through vertical soil profiles drive the cycling of multiple nutrients in reforested ecosystems. Microbiome 6.
[14] Jiao S, Qi JJ, Jin CJ, et al. (2022) Core phylotypes enhance the resistance of soil microbiome to environmental changes to maintain multifunctionality in agricultural ecosystems. Global Change Biology 28: 6653-6664.
[15] Kong WB, Wei XR, Wu YH, et al. (2022) Afforestation can lower microbial diversity and functionality in deep soil layers in a semiarid region. Global Change Biology 28: 6086-6101.
[16] Jiao S, Chen WM & Wei GH (2022) Core microbiota drive functional stability of soil microbiome in reforestation ecosystems. Global Change Biology 28: 1038-1047.
[17] Jiao S, Lu YH & Wei GH (2022) Soil multitrophic network complexity enhances the link between biodiversity and multifunctionality in agricultural systems. Global Change Biology 28: 140-153.
[18] Peng ZH, Liang CL, Gao M, Qiu Y, Pan YJ, Gao H, Liu Y, Li XM, Wei GH & Jiao S (2022) The neglected role of micronutrients in predicting soil microbial structure. Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 8.
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[21] Cao Y, Wang ET, Tong WJ, Qiao YJ, Zhao L, Chen WM & Wei GH (2017) Population structure of Rhizobium etli -like strains nodulated with Phaseolus vulgaris in two ecoregions of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 112: 14-23.
[22] Jiao S, Liu ZS, Lin YB, Yang J, Chen WM & Wei GH (2016) Bacterial communities in oil contaminated soils: Biogeography and co-occurrence patterns. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 98: 64-73.
[23] Chen S, Wang Y, Gao JM, et al. (2023) Agricultural tillage practice and rhizosphere selection interactively drive the improvement of soybean plant biomass. Plant Cell and Environment 46: 3542-3557.
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[29] Jiao S, Zhang BG, Zhang GZ, Chen WM & Wei GH (2021) Stochastic community assembly decreases soil fungal richness in arid ecosystems. Molecular Ecology 30: 4338-4348.
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[31] Shu DT, Zhang BG, He YL & Wei GH (2018) Abundant and rare microbial sub-communities in anammox granules present contrasting assemblage patterns and metabolic functions in response to inorganic carbon stresses. Bioresource Technology 265: 299-309.
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