
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2017-06-30 浏览次数:



  西北农林科技大学(Northwest A&F University, NWUAF)

  巴基斯坦科学基金会(Pakistan Science Foundation, PSF)


  西北农林科技大学生命科学学院 (College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University )



  山 仑 教授/院士 (西北农林科技大学/中国科学院水土保持研究所)

  王 鸣 教授(西北农林科技大学园艺学院)


  沈其荣 教授  (南京农业大学)

  Muhammad Ashraf  教授/院士 (Pakistan Science Foundation, PSF)

  张立新 教授  (西北农林科技大学)

  Cengiz Kaya  教授 (Harran University)


  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Pakistan Science Foundation, Pakistan

  Prof. Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Pakistan

  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal, University of Sargodha, Pakistan

  Prof. Dr. Cengiz Kaya, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey

  Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ruhi Mermut, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey

  Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Koyro, University of Giessen, Germany

  Prof. Dr. Arnould Savoure, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France

  Dr. Margi Lennartsson, CAWR Coventry University, UK

  Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Khairy, National Institute Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt

  Dr. Abd EI-Fatah Abomohra, Associate Professor, Jiangsu University, Jiangsu





  四、会议日程:  2017年7月22-24日












  大会报告:每个20分钟(含 5 分钟讨论),拟计划 20个特邀报告,主要邀请国内外专家和企业负责人就相关生物健康农业领域的研究进展作综述性报告。


  本次会议设置墙报展示科教单位和企业(以企业和农民合作社等为主)各个研究领域的研究进展和科研成果,以及产品和技术介绍,并从中评选优秀墙报奖(规格:宽83cm, 高小于203cm, 四周留白3cm)。




  通讯地址: 陕西省杨凌示范区西北农林科技大学北校区生命科学学院 (邮编712100)

  联系人:吴  薇 029-8709285915829617075

  牛改利 029-87092859,15091151059

  张立新 029-87092859,13609188053

  刘林强 029-87092262,15891788922

  传真: 029-87092262

  Email: zhanglixin@nwsuaf.edu,cn. 505059388@qq.com;1335327538@qq.com;1165392261@qq.com

  大会专用QQ:2367767414;微信:zhanglx69; 微信公众号:swjkcydlm



  为促进交流,拟在会前汇编有关资料集,各参与单位提供情况简介(包括技术需求等),其中评选部分优秀论文推荐到巴基斯坦植物学杂志(Pakistan Journal of Botany)。请参会者于2017年7月15日前提交,格式见附件。






  International Symposium on “The Belt and Road” Bio-health Agriculture

  Bio-health agriculture is the foundation of modern agricultural development, which can realize the large-scale health chain from environment to crops and agricultural products. Besides, the bio-health agriculture could improve the healthy agriculture industry, and enhance farmers’ income and the competitiveness of rural and agricultural industries. Modern bio-health agriculture is the latest interface of modern agriculture, which aims at improving the organic, safe and healthy agricultural production, leisure agriculture and rural tourism. In order to bring together well-known international and national experts and scholars to deliberate on the new achievements in the field of bio-health agricultural research and find new avenues for the development is vital field, we have planned to hold an international symposium on “The Belt and Road “ Bio-health Agriculture”, which will be a potential means for the capacity building of researchers pursuing research in the field of agriculture.


  Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

  Pakistan Science Foundation, Pakistan

  2.  Undertaker

  College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University, China



  Prof. Shan Lun, Northwest A&F University/Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,CAS

  Prof. Wang Ming, College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University


  Prof. Shen Qirong, Vice-president, Nanjing Agricultural University, China

  Prof. Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation, Pakistan

  Prof. Zhang Lixin, College of Life Science, Northwest A&F University, China

  Prof. Cengiz Kaya, Head of Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Harran University, Turkey

  Specially-Invited Experts of Overseas

  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Pakistan Science Foundation, Pakistan

  Prof. Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Pakistan

  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal, University of Sargodha, Pakistan

  Prof. Dr. Cengiz Kaya, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey

  Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ruhi Mermut, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey

  Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Koyro, University of Giessen, Germany

  Prof. Dr. Arnould Savoure, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France

  Dr. Margi Lennartsson, CAWR Coventry University, UK

  Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Khairy, National Institute Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt

  Dr. Abd EI-Fatah Abomohra, Associate Professor, Jiangsu University, Jiangsu

  Organization Committee

  Yu Fei, Hua Xiaofeng, Ma Chuang, Zhang Fan, Lin Yanbing, Liu Linqiang, Kang Le, Huang Haiying, Sa Wenqing, Zhao Xuandi, Zhang Lixin, Mu Xiaoqian, Lv Jinyin, Wei Yongsheng, Gao Mei, Mao Kailun, Niu Gaili ect.

  Secretariat Office

  Zhang Lixin,Gao, Mei, Wu Wei, Niu Gaili

  4. Conference Dates: Jul. 22 (Sat.) – Jul. 24(Mon.)

  Registration Date: Jul.22

  Academic Presentation and Discussion: Jul. 23

  Signing of contracts; Field study and Investigation: Jul.24

  5. Conference topics:

  Topic of this conference set including five issues:

  1) The Connotation and Significance of Bio-Health Agriculture

  2) Bio-Health Agriculture: Theory, Scientific Problems and Research Ideas

  3) The Problems, Constraints and Solutions of Bio-Health Agricultural Development

  4) The Formulation of Support Technology System for Bio-Health Agriculture

  5) The model and technology promotion and demonstration of Bio-Health Agriculture

  6. Conference Set:

  Conference report: 20 minutes per person (including discussion for 5 minutes), preparation of 20 special invited review reports with research progress of Bio-Health Agriculture by domestic and foreign experts.

  7. Wall newspaper show:

  Set poster to show new scientific achievements of various research fields by Institutes, Companies, Enterprises and Farmer Cooperative Organization etc. (Standard: 83 cm×203 cm, White space around 3 cm )

  8. Conference registration:

  Conference registration on-site. All attendants will pay their accommodation by themselves and it will be unified arrangement. Voluntary participation in investigation of bio-healthy agriculture demonstration garden at their own expense.

  9. Conference Secretariat Contact Way:

  Correspondence Address: College of Life Science, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 712100

  Contacts: Wu Wei      15829617075  505059388@qq.com

  Niu Gaili    15091151059  1335327538@qq.com

  Zhang Lixin  029-87092859 zhanglixin@nwsuaf.edu,cn

  1165392261@ qq.com;


  Fax: 87092262


  We Chat: zhanglx69

  WeChat public number:swjkcydlm